Monday, November 06, 2006

Updates and Changes

Over the weekend I've been making some changes to the game after receiving some feedback.

The new version will be released this week and it will include the following:

* You can now control the goal kick when your keeper has the ball. Pressing the Pass key will do a short but precise kick to one of your players while pressing the Shoot key will boot the ball upfield.
* A couple of bug fixes to do with the Player Vs Player code.
* Extra text on the Config Keys screen(s) explaining what the pass/shoot keys do.
* Goal celebration animations improved/changed.

I'm really glad that I never went full out on the launch last Friday as I wanted to do a bit of a "soft release" first to catch any bugs. First impressions definately do count and I think the game will be much better received when the new version is out there.

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